Did you know that amino acids are essential to the process of synthesizing protein in your body? They play a vital part in keeping you strong, as well as rebuilding and replenishing the cells in your body. Amino acids protect and give sustenance to your tissues, cells, and brain.
Amino Acids are a Daily Requirement
Have I stressed how important amino acids are, yet? They comprise 75% of the average human body and they are essential to all of its functions. Its most primarily talked about ability is how it can benefit someone in forming muscles. It is used in many body building supplements, often touted as being its primary ingredient; however it is arguable how much it actually works. A more pertinent use for amino acids should be expanded beyond the people who only wish to build muscle. According to a variety of studies, amino acids were found to be linked to fighting a host of problems, ranging from depression to Fibromyalgia.
Amino Acids Come and Go
The unfortunate thing about amino acids is that they aren’t around for very long. When the body has an excess amount of starch or protein for example, it can be stored as fat. However with amino acids, they are not stored, rather they are replaced. Protein can be formed by as much as over twenty various kinds of amino acids – some of these can be made naturally by the body, but others cannot. The ones that cannot be made by the body are called ‘essential amino acids’, and these we get from consuming the proper foods.
Amino Acid Supplements
Amino acid supplements can be a great benefit in assisting you to getting the necessary amount of amino acids in your day-to-day diet, if you are really concerned. There are two types of choices of amino acids you can pick from: complete amino acid supplements or individual ones. What does ‘individual’ mean in this case? That you can choose to increase only a single amino acid in your diet (remember how there are over twenty?). This is more often than not done for the purposes of trying to increase muscle mass or because individuals believe that specific amino acid will provide immediate benefits for their particular problem. Some common examples are lysine for herpes or cold sores, or arginine for increasing the health and efficiency of the immune system.
It should go without saying that anything that might affect your health should be thoroughly researched, and professionals should be consulted before attempting to alter your health. The effectiveness of these amino acid supplements are not guaranteed. Should you still choose to take these supplements, try taking “L” form acids. This is referring to the make-up of the acid, which shows that it is a human form and less taxing on your system. Additional tips include being aware of the fact that amino acid supplements can be more easily taken in by your body if you ingest it on an empty stomach. The vitamins B6 and C are also needed, so check to see if they are already included in the supplement or that you take it in yourself.
It is crucial to your body’s well-being to consume the essential amino acids on a regular basis. Supplements are not the only option. In fact, the easiest way to do this is by eating the foods that naturally contain them such as meat, dairy, eggs, and soy protein to list a few. A healthy amount of these foods and you will be sure to have all that you need, however it doesn’t hurt to be absolutely sure by taking some amino acid supplements.
Click here to find out more about amino acids.
By Dancojocari [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
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